Patrick Prosic
2D/3D generalist
visualizations & animations | interactive applications | pitch deck material | print media | typography & layout
A Film by Patrick Prosic
Das Projekt:
Beyond Tomorrow is a kitbash film project assembled from a curated selection of the world's best designed assets, most of which are reworked to fit film standards.
The aim, through grants and investors who can participate in the IP, as a digital culture project, is to bring together all the curated and upcoming designers for the completion of the full-length feature film, but also to maintain the ongoing style that the project has been awarded by means of the initial assets.
A future world of robots, cyborgs and androids is shown, which reflects our social, economic, ethical/moral and political misconstructions in our society, as well as the overarching individualization and the associated extensive depression, the new generation.
The story is shown by means of an investigative story, which is based on the stylistic characteristics of various sci-fi greats from the eighties and nineties.
Patrick Prosic
Writer, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Cinematographer & Composer
Everything is an emotion. We live from it. Those who don't, won't get any satisfaction. Creativity comes from emotions. Authenticity is the key.
Thomas Fischer
Co-Writer, Worldbuilding, Detailing
The mastermind behind details and inconsistency. Wizard of words and hard facts, with a strong penchant for Sci Fi stories
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Jeder Spender erhällt eine digitale Kopie des Soundtracks zu Beyond Tomorrow, vor release!